Meet Christina Richter, a familiar and respected figure in Placer County’s historical community. She currently serves on the Placer County Historical Advisory Board and holds the position of Secretary for the Western States Trail Museum board of directors.

Additionally, Christina contributes a monthly history article to Gold County Media and is employed part-time by Placer County Museums.

Kim Haswell, Placer County Historical Society Board Member - “Christina’s passion for Placer County History is infections and delightful. She takes her audience to places past and present with unique stories and images of people and places that make up Placer County’s rich history.”

Christina is a local historian, writer and speaker. Christina can walk your group through a virtual tour of Placer County’s rich history. Reach out to Christina now to set up a speaking engagement with your group. Contact Christina at

History is to the nation as memory is to the individual. As a person deprived of memory becomes disoriented and lost, not knowing where they have been or where they are going, so a nation denied its past will be disabled in dealing with its present and future.
— A. Schlesinger Jr.